About the Course

Prerequisite Course: Implementing Effective 1:1 Learning Conversations 

Audience: Advisors, Content Teachers, Counselors, Administrators, Special Education/Learning Support Teachers, Instructional Assistants/TAs

This course provides participants with the opportunity to build upon the learning completed in the Implementing Effective 1:1 Learning Conversations self-study course through a series of hands-on application assignments.

In this course, participants will:

  • identify a personalized learning goal and engage in successive one-to-one learning conversations with their own students
  • receive personalized feedback from a MARIO Coach on their application of The MARIO Approach in their context
  • work with the principles of Design Thinking in combination with The MARIO Approach to create a dynamic cycle of self-reflection and growth

Embedded within this course are:

  • examples of aligned MARIO for Me™ software features
  • high-quality research, both seminal and innovative in nature

CEU credits are available in partnership with the University of San Diego for interested participants as part of this learning pathway.

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The course is available from the date you sign up. Join now!